<% uk_id = CInt(27) set Rsw= server.createobject("adodb.recordset") Sorguw = "Select * From UrunKategori where uk_id=" & CInt(uk_id) Rsw.Open Sorguw,Connection2,1,3 if Rsw.EOF or Rsw.BOF then else %>z <%=Rsw("kategori_adi_2")%> - Tiffany Baby "> "> "/> <% end if Rsw.Close() set Sorguw = nothing set Rsw= nothing %>
<% set Rsw= server.createobject("adodb.recordset") Sorguw = "Select * From UrunKategori where uk_id=" & CInt(uk_id) Rsw.Open Sorguw,Connection2,1,3 if Rsw.EOF or Rsw.BOF then else %>


<% end if Rsw.Close() set Sorguw = nothing set Rsw= nothing %>
<% Set RsKategori=Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset") SorguKategori = "SELECT * FROM Urunler where uk_id="&CInt(uk_id)&" and marka = 3 and web=1 and aktif=1 ORDER BY sira" RsKategori.Open SorguKategori, Connection2, 1, 3 if RsKategori.EOF or RsKategori.BOF then else While not RsKategori.EOF %>

<%= RsKategori("urun_adi") %>

<% RsKategori.MoveNext wend RsKategori.Close Set RsKategori = nothing Set SorguKategori = nothing End if %>